Tapping, aka. EFT or Emotional Freedom Techniques, is like psychological acupuncture, minus the needles. It blends conventional psychology techniques, such as cognitive therapy and exposure therapy, with oriental medicine, by lightly stimulating acupoints around the body. This provides rapid and lasting relief from a wide range of problems.
To do tapping, you literally tap percussively on meridian (the body's energy system) end points while simultaneously focusing on negative thoughts, feelings and emotions. This sends a calming signal to the amygdala in your brain, rewiring it to stay calm and relaxed, when the stress-response would otherwise be activated.
What can it be used for? EVERYTHING! There are hundreds of scientifically valid studies showing that it is rapidly effective at treating things such as:
Stress & anxiety
Physical pain
Hormonal imbalances
Food cravings
Weight loss
Body confidence
Fear of public speaking
The list goes on...
Who can do tapping? EVERYONE! Children as young as 3 years old can learn a simplified version of tapping to manage big emotions such as worry, fear, sadness and anger. Tapping has even been used effectively in classroom settings for things such as stress, anxiety and behavioural challenges to enhance wellbeing and optimise learning.
Whether you have prior experience in EFT Tapping or are completely new to it, Sally will help you feel comfortable and guide you through the whole process.
In your initial consultation aka. discovery session, Sally will explain how the tapping technique works and help you craft some goals. She will then guide you through some 'resourcing' techniques that will act as an anchor for you to come back to whenever you need.
If time allows in your discovery session and in all follow up sessions, you will then select a specific issue or challenge for that session and answer a series of questions. Sally will then guide you through multiple rounds of tapping, recording notes and assessing your progress as you go.
The actual tapping itself is self-applied and done fully clothed. You may choose to do it sitting up or lying down - however you feel most comfortable is perfect.
To maximise the benefits, after the sessions, Sally will send you an audio recording of your tapping meditation that you may continue as a home practice as often as you like.
Tapping, aka. EFT or Emotional Freedom Techniques, is like psychological acupuncture, minus the needles. It blends conventional psychology techniques, such as cognitive therapy and exposure therapy, with oriental medicine, by lightly stimulating acupoints around the body. This provides rapid and lasting relief from a wide range of problems.
To do tapping, you literally tap percussively on meridian (the body's energy system) end points while simultaneously focusing on negative thoughts, feelings and emotions. This sends a calming signal to the amygdala in your brain, rewiring it to stay calm and relaxed, when the stress-response would otherwise be activated.
What can it be used for? EVERYTHING! There are hundreds of scientifically valid studies showing that it is rapidly effective at treating things such as:
Stress & anxiety
Physical pain
Hormonal imbalances
Food cravings
Weight loss
Body confidence
Fear of public speaking
The list goes on...
Who can do tapping? EVERYONE! Children as young as 3 years old can learn a simplified version of tapping to manage big emotions such as worry, fear, sadness and anger. Tapping has even been used effectively in classroom settings for things such as stress, anxiety and behavioural challenges to enhance wellbeing and optimise learning.
Whether you have prior experience in EFT Tapping or are completely new to it, Sally will help you feel comfortable and guide you through the whole process.
In your initial consultation aka. discovery session, Sally will explain how the tapping technique works and help you craft some goals. She will then guide you through some 'resourcing' techniques that will act as an anchor for you to come back to whenever you need.
If time allows in your discovery session and in all follow up sessions, you will then select a specific issue or challenge for that session and answer a series of questions. Sally will then guide you through multiple rounds of tapping, recording notes and assessing your progress as you go.
The actual tapping itself is self-applied and done fully clothed. You may choose to do it sitting up or lying down - however you feel most comfortable is perfect.
To maximise the benefits, after the sessions, Sally will send you an audio recording of your tapping meditation that you may continue as a home practice as often as you like.