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Danielle Coppleson
Danielle Coppleson

End of Life Doula

Company Name:
Doula For Life
Time Zone:
Sydney, Australia
End of Doula Training - Life and End of Life ( Preparing The Way 2020) + Registered Nurse (Bachelor of Nursing Notre Dame University, North Sydney) + Translational Research reviewing models of Integrated physical and mental health care (University of Technology, 2019) + Mindfulness Training (Mindfulness Works 2020) + Tribe Leader for Cronulla Fluro Surfing as part of One Wave Non -for Profit organisation which raises awareness of mental health
My Bio:
I am an end-of-life doula. I offer practical, emotional, and spiritual health services along with education, to people experiencing diagnoses' such as cancer and/or end of life. Comforting people comes naturally. I am passionate about supporting others during difficult times; holding a safe space, listening, allowing emotions to flow. Enabling people to clarify what they need, make informed choices, identify strengths or coping mechanisms and creating compassionate communities. After 25 years as a registered nurse in public mental health, and working as a support person for people living with diagnoses such as cancer, or at end of life, I have seen how people can be blindsided by a new diagnosis or significant health event. This can feel frightening, and all consuming. People and their carers, are often provided medical treatment but not always holistic care, during what can be a very precious time. The concept of nurturing and understanding a person's culture and community is also very important in my work. It would be an honour to provide emotional support, practical help, connection to strengths within to assist with recovery and/or transition to a next stage.
Client Testimonial:
Danielle’s support was immeasurable during a very challenging time in my life. After being diagnosed with cancer just before lockdown, I was thrown into a foreign and daunting world of navigating huge amounts of information, medical procedures and treatments. This was overwhelming while also trying to look after my family, maintain healthy mental and emotional wellbeing, and manage my work responsibilities. With Danielle’s knowledgeable, reassuring and calm presence during this journey, both during and after surgery and treatment, whether it was practical help or emotional understanding or even just a listening ear I needed, it helped me to find the stability, energy and courage I needed to get through it. It was so easy to communicate with Danielle over the phone, at home, while we walked or sometimes in a medical environment as was necessary, which enabled me to live my best life possible, through difficult circumstances. I am eternally grateful and cannot recommend Danielle’s services highly enough, to anyone going through a trauma or difficult life event. Angela
1:1 Sessions
Group Sessions